Can you drink “coffee” on an empty stomach?

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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed in some countries, second only to water. In addition to helping you feel alert and reduce fatigue, coffee contains caffeine. Which can have a positive effect on mood, brain function and exercise performance. It may also help with weight loss and protect against diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.

Many people prefer to drink coffee first thing in the morning, but some people are concerned that drinking coffee on an empty stomach may have negative effects on their health. This article will answer the question of whether you should drink coffee on an empty stomach or not.

Can you drink "coffee" on an empty stomach?

Does coffee affect the digestive system?

Research suggests that the bitterness of coffee may stimulate the production of stomach acid. For this reason, many people believe that coffee irritates the stomach, worsens the chronic gastrointestinal disorder, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and causes other symptoms. However, although coffee increases stomach acid production. It does not seem to cause digestive problems for most people. So it is fine to drink it on an empty stomach.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach may increase cortisol levels

Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and helps regulate metabolism, blood pressure, and blood sugar. But if levels are too high over time, they can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The สมัคร ufabet body naturally produces cortisol that peaks when you wake up, then declines throughout the day, before rising again during early sleep.

Interestingly, coffee stimulates cortisol production. So some people worry that drinking coffee in the morning, when cortisol is already high, could be harmful. However, regular coffee consumption can cause the body to respond by producing less cortisol, and some studies have found that coffee does not affect cortisol levels at all. There is also little evidence that drinking coffee after a meal reduces this response. Furthermore. Even if you do not drink coffee regularly.

The increase in cortisol is likely to be short-lived. There is little reason to believe that such temporary high cortisol levels will have long-term negative health effects. In short, the negative effects of chronically high cortisol levels are more likely to be caused by underlying medical conditions. Such as Cushing’s syndrome. Than by coffee consumption.

Although drinking coffee on an empty stomach does not cause any side effects coffee itself has some other negative effects.

  • Coffee can be addictive, especially for those who are genetically sensitive to caffeine. Regular coffee consumption affects brain chemistry, requiring more and more caffeine to produce the same effects.
  • Drinking too much coffee can cause anxiety, restlessness, rapid heart rate, severe panic attacks, and in some people, may cause headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure.
  • For this reason, most experts recommend limiting your caffeine intake to around 400 milligrams per day, which is equivalent to about 4-5 cups (0.95-1.12 liters) of coffee.
  • Caffeine affects sleep, as its effects can last up to 7 hours in adults, so drinking coffee late in the evening can make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Finally, caffeine can easily cross the placenta, affecting the fetus for up to 16 hours longer than normal, so pregnant women should limit their coffee intake to 1-2 cups (240-480 milligrams) per day.
  • However, these side effects are not as severe or more frequent even when drinking coffee on an empty stomach.