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Category Archives: Health

6 Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera That You May Not Have Known

6 Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera That You May Not Have Known

  Aloe vera is a Thai herb that everyone knows well. If we talk about its beauty benefits, what can it help with? Want to know? Let’s take a look. 1. Helps make skin soft and smooth.           The clear jelly of aloe vera can add water

7 Natural Underarm Whitening Formulas for White Underarms Without Lasers

7 Natural Underarm Whitening Formulas for White Underarms Without Lasers

Underarm Whitening Formula : 7 Natural Formulas for Whiter Underarms Without Expensive Lasers           The problem of dark underarms is another problem that can make women like us lose confidence. Because whenever we want to wear a tank top or sleeveless shirt, we have to hide

Can you drink "coffee" on an empty stomach?

Can you drink “coffee” on an empty stomach?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed in some countries, second only to water. In addition to helping you feel alert and reduce fatigue, coffee contains caffeine. Which can have a positive effect on mood, brain function and exercise performance. It may also help with weight

How to drink water to meet your body's needs

How to drink water to meet your body’s needs

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.” Is this theory still valid? And if we forget to count the glasses, how do we know if we’ve had enough water? Drinking water seems like a simple thing that doesn’t need to be said or emphasized often.

9 top foods that help the liver and kidneys filter waste and toxins

9 top foods that help the liver and kidneys filter waste and toxins

The liver and kidneys are important organs that are responsible for the body’s natural elimination of waste. In addition to the liver and kidneys, the natural elimination system also involves the intestines, skin, spleen, and lymphatic system. To enhance the functioning of the liver and kidneys,

How to eat "vegetarian" without lacking nutrients?

How to eat “vegetarian” without lacking nutrients?

Suggesting ways to eat “Flexible Vegetarianism” without causing malnutrition. or eating an unbalanced diet that causes nutritional disorders Should be consumed appropriately Located on the middle road Thailand is a top food exporting country in Asia and the world. At present, eating a vegetarian diet or plant-based diet

7 ways to effectively reduce the symptoms of "migraine headaches"

7 ways to effectively reduce the symptoms of “migraine headaches”

In today’s era, people live their lives surrounded by factors that cause anxiety and stress in their lives, whether it be society, the economy, careers, infectious diseases, COVID-19, and others that have a continuous impact . Both physically and mentally Until leading to health problems and one of the most