7 Natural Ways to Treat Acne That Guarantee to Reduce Acne Without Spending Money on a Doctor’s Visit. This way, you’ll get both clear skin and safety.

1. Apply tea tree oil.
Did you know that tea tree oil has the ability to kill bacteria and fungi? So for those who often have red, inflamed acne that causes pain every time, use a cotton ball or cotton bud dipped in tea tree oil and then dab it on the acne area.
2. Apply with apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar or apple cider vinegar can also be used to treat acne. Just mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3. Then soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply it to the acne. Leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off or leave it on overnight. But after that, you should nourish it with a moisturizer to prevent dry skin that may cause new acne.
3. Nourish with a honey-cinnamon mask.
Just hearing the name sounds sweet and delicious, right? But this ingredient is a great acne treatment because cinnamon kills bacteria, while honey reduces inflammation. Mixing them together is even better. Just mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix the ingredients together. Then, apply it as a face mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Just like that, acne will gradually subside and your face will be crystal clear.
4. Apply aloe vera gel.
Girls already know how good aloe vera is for our skin. In addition to moisturizing the ยูฟ่าเบท https://ufabet999.app skin and soothing redness, it also helps reduce acne. Just apply aloe vera gel to the area with acne inflammation. It is guaranteed that the inflammation will go away, the acne will subside, and it won’t leave any annoying marks.
5. Reduce inflammation with banana peels.
After eating a banana, don’t throw the peels in the trash. Banana peels are rich in lutein, which is full of antioxidants that can help reduce acne. Just gently rub the banana peel in circles over the acne area. This will help the acne gradually shrink and the redness will also decrease.
6. Reduce acne with a cucumber mask.
In addition to cucumbers helping to nourish and moisturize the skin, they also help treat acne-prone skin. Just blend a cucumber until it becomes a liquid, then mix it with plain yogurt and stir until it is well blended. Then apply it as a mask on the problematic skin for about 30-40 minutes, then rinse it off with clean water. Just like that, the inflammation of the acne will be relieved and the acne will gradually subside until it disappears completely.
7. Apply egg whites.
Not only are they delicious when used in cooking, but eggs can also be used to treat acne and help with acne scars. Take only 2-3 egg whites and beat them until they are fluffy and whipped. Apply the beaten egg whites on your face, focusing on applying 3-4 layers of egg whites on areas with a lot of acne. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. After washing, don’t forget to moisturize it.