Insomnia problems can happen to everyone. Which some people may be able to solve by using sleeping pills. But did you know that if you fix it right away, it will make it easier for you to fall asleep? Tonkit360 brings you good techniques from Matthew Walker, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, to solve the problem of insomnia for many people. People
- Sleep in a cool room.
Have you ever wondered why we feel sleepy at a performance center or movie theater? Because the body needs to lower its body temperature by about 2-3 degrees in order for the brain to want to sleep more. Most movie theaters will have cool air conditioning.
- Sleep on time
Sleeping at the right time has been a long-standing recommendation. And whether it’s during Saturday-Sunday You should sleep at the same time as during weekdays. And even though I don’t sleep well You should wake up on time every day to “reset” your ufabet body and don’t forget to go to bed at the same time.
- Can’t sleep, don’t want to stay in bed.
If we try to fall asleep but can’t, it makes time pass by and we still can’t close our eyes. The best way is not to force yourself to sleep any longer. But get out of bed and go sit in another room. and find a book to sit and read continuously You don’t have to turn on very bright lights, just a lamp is enough. And don’t play with your cell phone, watch TV, or even eat food. Because it will make it more difficult for you to fall asleep. Try to open and read the book continuously. It may make you feel sleepy. Then slowly return to the bedroom.
- Don’t play with your cell phone – watch TV before bed.
The light makes our brain think. “It’s still bright right now. You shouldn’t sleep yet.” Therefore, the recommendation is to reduce the lights in the house by about half to make us feel that “Right now I’m feeling dizzy. We should sleep,” because the body releases melatonin when the body knows it’s in the evening. To help you fall asleep easier Using your mobile phone or watching TV exposes your body to blue light from the screen. which will affect the secretion of melatonin which helps with sleep.
- No coffee
Drinking coffee after dinner is something many people do. But doing this may sometimes help you fall asleep. But it will be sleep that is not “deep sleep” which means the body does not get enough rest. And it will cause a feeling of “sleepy” and not refreshed. So when I wake up I have to drink several cups of coffee in the morning until it becomes a cycle of coffee addiction without realizing it.
- Alcohol is not a helper!
Drinking alcohol to fall asleep is a misconception. Because even though I’m in deep sleep But there is a possibility of waking up in the middle of the night. Because of thirst or other reasons. In addition, putting yourself to sleep with alcohol is an unnatural form of sleep. Therefore, it is not a very good helper.